Tuesday, April 1, 2008

What is EDiPHy?

To instruct especially so as to encourage physical, intellectual, moral, or spiritual improvement through Physical Education.

Physical Education (PE) can teach lots more than just how to throw a ball. As you probably already know, there is a lot of social interaction in the typical PE class, and that offers a perfect opportunity for kids to grow in their ability to develop positive social skills. In addition, PE challenges kids to think differently; to make connections between what they have learned in the classroom and how it is applied in a real-life setting. For example: learning about balance and measurement in science takes on a whole new meaning when you are trying to create a perfectly balanced pyramid in your PE class!

More than just a listing of activities, this site also offers resources that can help you to be a better teacher, student or supporter of PE in your school. It also provides a way for you to connect with other educators to share stories, best practices and solutions. Just go to the Links area to join a conversation.

So that's what this blog is all about...helping us all to make the very most out of the opportunities we have to educate in the physical, to EDiPHY our kids!

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